yorick mid

Is this why Yone mains started banning Yorick mid?

3 Minute Yorick Guide - A Guide for League of Legends

Yorick Mid Lane with his ghouls is BUSTED right now #leagueoflegends #league #Yorick

EDUCATIONAL Unranked to Master with Yorick - The BEST SPLITPUSH and FARMING champion

YORICK vs ANNIE (MID) | Rank 1 Yorick, 7/2/8, 600+ games, Dominating | EUW Grandmaster | 14.21

YORICK vs YASUO (MID) | Rank 3 Yorick, 600+ games | EUW Grandmaster | 14.21

why you should become a yorick main 🤫

Yorick Mid can 1v5. My team even almost surrendered. (Yorick Scaling is actually nuts) | 13.11

Is this why Aatrox mains started banning Yorick?

don't leave Yorick alone with tower .. | Lethality Yorick MID

YORICK vs HWEI (MID) | Rank 1 Yorick, 4/2/14, 600+ games | EUW Challenger | 14.21

I didn't know this about Yorick 🤯

3 Minute Yorick Guide - A Guide for League of Legends

How to counter Yorick

YORICK vs ORIANNA (MID) | 8/1/7, 6 solo kills | EUW Master | 14.16

Abuse this build on Yorick while it's disgustingly OP..

Yorick, but I go full poke mid lane and tilt the enemy team (MAIDEN SOLO KILLS YOU)

Yorick but I have infinite wave clear and spend the entire game split pushing

Yorick Mid vs Kassadin - EUW Master Patch 14.13

YORICK vs SYNDRA (MID) | Rank 5 Yorick, 5/1/3, 600+ games | EUW Master | 14.21

Yorick mid - 6/1/5 - Bronze IV - 14.22 - Win

yorick vs heimerdinger (mid)

YORICK vs VEIGAR (MID) | 6 solo kills, Rank 14 | TR Challenger | 14.21

YORICK vs LEBLANC (MID) | 900+ games, Rank 9 Yorick, 5/2/5 | EUNE Master | 14.15